When you move ahead with the right intention, keep learning from your surroundings, do not give up in adversity and keep marching along, HE blesses you. And when you are blessed, milestones just form a part of the story being written.
A Century Of Donors
However good be our intentions or however hard we may be working on the ground, no action is feasible unless we have enough funds at our disposal. And donors play this ultra crucial role. they are as important as Volunteers and Leaders on the ground, if not more.
At Kalpavriksha, the processes are designed in a way that they lay extreme importance to the Donors, their visibility to their fund utilisation and overall transparency in the entire system. It is this process and trust that has allowed 100 Donors to do multiple repeated donations to us, with total donations amounting close to INR 3 Lacs as on date. This turns out to be Rs. 3,000 per donor on an average.
Remember, that none of these are corporate donors. These are all common men and women like you and me, who wish to change the way we pass on this planet to our coming generations.
In line with our policy of 100% transparency, you can go and have a look at:
1/ List of all our donors with the donated amount, and the number of trees planted from the donated amount.
Come forward and donate.
Be a part of history being made. To donate, click here.
2/ Our Public Account Book - with each credit and debit entry - showing all donations as well as the fund utilisation in reverse chronological order of time.
A Maiden Award
Indian Medical Association (Dwarka Chapter) recognized Kalpavriksha and its team for the effort that we are putting in, not only to plant, but also nurture trees along the way. Here is a snap of the award as well as one during the felicitation ceremony.
When we keep moving forward with the right intent, awards and recognition are a part of the journey - as much as failures and setbacks are.
This award is a salute to the tireless efforts of all volunteers and leaders at Kalpavriksha, and large bigheartedness of every single donor.
What makes us different from everyone else?
1. We are not running after numbers
We do not conduct any tree plantation drives. We do not believe that they serve the purpose they are meant to. We want to ensure that each tree that is planted, is taken care of and nurtured till it is big enough, and then handed over to nature.
2. Each tree is cared
Each tree is fenced, numbered, tagged, protected, has a dedicated assigned volunteer, and is tracked for life. Each tree which is unable to survive in spite of our best efforts is replaced before we move on. By the way, we run at 97% survival rate. This means that we continue to spend money on nurturing trees rather than just planting new trees.
3. We are 100% transparent
Each donation and every single expense is logged in our public account book and then made transparent to the public - to even those who are not associated with Kalpavriksha. Anyone can find out from our website, how many trees have been planted till now, how much funds have been collected, how much money has been spent and where.
4. We are highly technology driven
A donor gets auto notified for every new tree that is planted and gets to know the unique Tree Number, variety, the volunteer assigned etc. The donor also has access to the contact details of the volunteer and can even plan a visit to the planted tree after talking to the volunteer. Not to mention, that the donor can even track his or her tree via Google Maps and know exactly where his or her tree is. Donors also get monthly fund utilization reports, and will also now start getting annual performance report - right in their mail box.
5. We are a 100% flat organisation
Starting from the trustee, all leaders are at the same level. They all work on the ground and get rewarded only and only based on the work achieved on the ground.
6. We are open
We are aggressively looking to add more volunteers, leaders and donors. Have a few minutes to spare for your environment? Get connected with us.
Come, join us, as we move ahead in our mission to elevate the world around us. Get counted in.
Visit the Kalpavriksha Official Website or write back to us for any further information.
Manoj Arora
Official Website
A Century Of Donors
However good be our intentions or however hard we may be working on the ground, no action is feasible unless we have enough funds at our disposal. And donors play this ultra crucial role. they are as important as Volunteers and Leaders on the ground, if not more.

Remember, that none of these are corporate donors. These are all common men and women like you and me, who wish to change the way we pass on this planet to our coming generations.
In line with our policy of 100% transparency, you can go and have a look at:
1/ List of all our donors with the donated amount, and the number of trees planted from the donated amount.
Come forward and donate.
Be a part of history being made. To donate, click here.
2/ Our Public Account Book - with each credit and debit entry - showing all donations as well as the fund utilisation in reverse chronological order of time.
A Maiden Award
Indian Medical Association (Dwarka Chapter) recognized Kalpavriksha and its team for the effort that we are putting in, not only to plant, but also nurture trees along the way. Here is a snap of the award as well as one during the felicitation ceremony.
When we keep moving forward with the right intent, awards and recognition are a part of the journey - as much as failures and setbacks are.
This award is a salute to the tireless efforts of all volunteers and leaders at Kalpavriksha, and large bigheartedness of every single donor.
What makes us different from everyone else?
1. We are not running after numbers
We do not conduct any tree plantation drives. We do not believe that they serve the purpose they are meant to. We want to ensure that each tree that is planted, is taken care of and nurtured till it is big enough, and then handed over to nature.
2. Each tree is cared
Each tree is fenced, numbered, tagged, protected, has a dedicated assigned volunteer, and is tracked for life. Each tree which is unable to survive in spite of our best efforts is replaced before we move on. By the way, we run at 97% survival rate. This means that we continue to spend money on nurturing trees rather than just planting new trees.
3. We are 100% transparent
Each donation and every single expense is logged in our public account book and then made transparent to the public - to even those who are not associated with Kalpavriksha. Anyone can find out from our website, how many trees have been planted till now, how much funds have been collected, how much money has been spent and where.
4. We are highly technology driven
A donor gets auto notified for every new tree that is planted and gets to know the unique Tree Number, variety, the volunteer assigned etc. The donor also has access to the contact details of the volunteer and can even plan a visit to the planted tree after talking to the volunteer. Not to mention, that the donor can even track his or her tree via Google Maps and know exactly where his or her tree is. Donors also get monthly fund utilization reports, and will also now start getting annual performance report - right in their mail box.
5. We are a 100% flat organisation
Starting from the trustee, all leaders are at the same level. They all work on the ground and get rewarded only and only based on the work achieved on the ground.
6. We are open
We are aggressively looking to add more volunteers, leaders and donors. Have a few minutes to spare for your environment? Get connected with us.
Come, join us, as we move ahead in our mission to elevate the world around us. Get counted in.
Visit the Kalpavriksha Official Website or write back to us for any further information.
Manoj Arora
Official Website
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