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Saturday, January 31, 2015


Change is simple. And Change is also reversible. You can decide to change from tomorrow, like deciding to go for a morning walk everyday. You may do it for a few weeks. But you are likely to change back to your usual self, sooner rather than later. 
You changed on both occasions. What you need is not change, but transformation. Transformation is a different ball game. It needs commitment, practice and a burning desire...read on..

"I promise. I will go for a morning walk from tomorrow." said Shravan to Kavita.

"But that's what you said a few months back also Shravan. See, you also understand that most of your back ache, and other health issues are directly related to having a good fitness regime. And I am not asking you to go to gym or undertake any stringent schedule. I am just asking you to go out every morning at a fixed time, take some fresh air, do some stretching and come back, and observe the same schedule everyday - that's it. Why cant you change this much for the sake of your own health?"

"I will do it Kavita. Its a promise. I will change."

Shravan had actually changed. He started his new routine 6:00 am, and that too on a Saturday morning, and this was a true testimony to the change he wanted to bring in his lifestyle. He continued and persisted with this change for the coming weeks. But you know, its never easy. Before you can qualify for the next level, God will test you, and so HE did.

It started to rain very heavy the next morning. Shravan had a valid reason not to go. Next day, the rain continued. Shravan promised to go the day after. Next day, he had an urgent office meeting which he could not miss, and he had to reach office 2 hours early. The next day, he was heaving a slight headache when he woke up in the morning..... and on and on and on .... 
God kept testing, and he kept failing, every single time.

Some of us may feel that Shravan had a genuine reasons for not going for the morning walk. Yes, the reasons were genuine. God only gives genuine test, HE never fakes. 
A few more days of tests, and Shravan had changed once again, to his former self.

"Shravan, what you need is transformation, and not change. Transformation is irreversible, while change is not. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was not changed to Mahatma Gandhi - he was transformed. A Caterpillar is not changed. It is transformed to a beautiful butterfly. 
Change is easy to do. Transformation needs a burning desire inside you - a very strong reason, high focus to transform. So, if you think you need to make morning walk as your habit, you need to transform to a fitter you - where you can look back after a few months and say - that was my former self. This is the new me. When you reach that stage, morning walk would happen from the automated part of your brain, and you would not need to make any conscious efforts."

"But what can I do Kavita? My reasons were genuine." exclaimed Shravan.

"Yes, they were genuine for anyone trying to change. But for anyone trying to transform, he could have walked inside the house when it was raining outside, one could have woken up 1 more hour early if there was an urgent office work that could not be avoided, one can still walk in a headache...see here is the point..HE will keep testing you, till you transform to a new level, and once you have actually cleared the tests and transformed, then HE will stop testing you. In fact, then HE will support you to sustain your new level."

"OK. I understand what you say Kavita. I first need to make it a burning desire for me, and then this transformation will truly happen. But tell me, how do I make this as a burning desire for myself?"

"Read about fitness, watch some videos, read some books or magazines, listen to some audios, meet some ultra fit people - do whatever to surround yourself with what you want to transform to - and transformation will start burning inside you also. When raw silver ore has to 'transform' to shining and glittering silver - it surrounds itself with fire. The same way Shravan, you got to surround yourself with people, objects and situations that you want to transform to. The fire will start burning very soon."

"Got it - here I go Kavita."

"Hope to see a transformed Shravan very soon.."

The book Happiness Unlimited shows you many such lessons to lead a happier, contended life.


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